Monday, November 17, 2014

Selling Your Home with Pets in it!

Selling Your Home with Pets in it! Almost everybody loves pets except the home buyer who is buying your house. Home sellers who adore their pets have a hard time imagining the negative attitudes others harbor against pets. So, while this might be a bitter pill to swallow, if you want to get top dollar for your house, pay attention to how much you might lose with a dog or cat in residence. Why Don’t Home Buyers Like Your Pet? Nervousness. Pets make some people very uncomfortable. Not everybody grew up with a family pet the friendship or close relationship with a pet. Fear. Real and irrational. It’s not only dogs that instill fear in people. They may be the friendliest pets when you’re with them but when they meet a stranger, they may react differently towards them. All kinds of tales and superstitions involve cats. Inexperience. Pets are not always predictable. Your pets aren’t their pets. They imagine yours bite, jump, vomit, claw, spit-up hairballs or are just plain hyper and bad. What is the Preferred Pet Solution? – I know, I know you may not like it. You’re not going to like this but I’ll say it anyway, fully realizing that this very excellent piece of advice is likely to fall on deaf ears. The best thing to do to ensure top price for your home is to relocate your pets while your home is on the market. Putting them in the back yard, in the garage or in another room that you keep locked is insufficient, and it’s not fair to them. You need to remove them from the house. Let a friend or relative care for Buffy or Coco. Board them at your vet or a kennel. Send them on vacation to visit your parents. Overcoming Negatives Associated with Your Pets If you shrug off all professional advice and absolutely refuse to move your pets out of the house, then at least minimize the objections and nuisance factors, real or otherwise: Cat Litter Boxes & Dog Potty Pads Keep them out of sight and impeccably clean. Nothing turns off buyers faster than opening the door to the laundry room and being greeted by a full or stinky cat box. You may not be able to smell the odor but new buyers that have not pets certainly will. Carpet & Floor Pet Stains Hire professionals to remove the stains. Buyers will spot them and form unfavorable opinions about the rest of the house. If the stains can’t be removed, then remove the floor covering and replace it. Pet Odors and Smells 1. Cat urine is the worst. Without question. The Worst. Bring in a neighbor to do a whiff test. Ask a friend to be honest with you. 2. Do not use air fresheners. People with allergies will react. 3. Try enzyme cleaners such as professional carpet cleaners use (Simple Solution, Nature’s Miracle) or call a professional company and they will advise you what to use. Remove Signs of a Pet You may be required by state law to disclose that pets have lived in your home, but you don’t need to advertise that pets live at your house. Removing signs that you have a pet is simply smart practice. Why turn off a buyer at the get-go? It’s those first impressions that are so all-fired important. And you may not get a second one. Do not put photos online showing your cat or dog asleep on the bed Seal up doggie doors Put away food and water bowls when not in use Vacuum religiously, every day, sometimes twice a day Pick up pet toys and put them away Pack up cat trees and other signs of cat paraphernalia Remove photos of pets from refrigerator, walls and table tops Pack up all cages, carriers and other tell-tale signs Showing Your House Put your pets into a carrier and attach a note warning buyers not to disturb them. The last thing you need is somebody sticking their hand inside the carrier and getting bit or scratched. You can’t predict how your pet will react when locked up and alone. Let your listing agent make notation in the MLS that there are pets in the home. Agents sometimes forget to close the door and your precious pet may run outside and they may not be able to catch it. So, think of all these things before you LIST your home! I hope that you will get the BEST PRICE for your home and relocate your precious pets to their new home. Selling Your Home with Pets!

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